About us

About us

The name Fili Pari is the anagram of the founders’ names, also the word Fili in Italian means yarns and Pari means equal, the combination of these two words stands for the textile nature of the brand and the fact that decisions are made together as a Team.


Fili Pari

We are a Fashion-Tech startup that focuses on sustainability, with our products we help to balance the human need to get dressed and the scarcity of natural resources

We develop new products by using raw materials never used before in the Fashion industry, giving them a second life and a new purpose. By creating synergies between different worlds we make the impossible possible.

Our responsible fashion manifesto

Since we love our country we decided to design and produce our products according to the principles of the circular economy

Sustainable consumption and production are based on avoiding overproduction and help to reduce the impact that our industry has on the environment

We work with the best artisans in Italy who share the same values as us, to create valuable products.


A passionate team

We are curious and passionate individuals who care about people and the environment.
We are a young, creative, and innovative team with a deep love for research and experimentation which is driven by a scientific methodological approach. Last but not least we love Italy, the country we operate in.


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